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Thursday, January 28, 2010

And on another note...

I'm no football expert, but I do know a thing or two.
Can someone explain to me in what world Brandon Meriweather gets named to the Pro Bowl team??? I know he's an injury replacement, but really? The last thing he POSSIBLY needs is something to further bloat his ego. Learn how to make a tackle more than 20% of the time, then MAYBE we can talk about Pro Bowls. There is one person who will never be photographed with the banner, trust me.

Are you ready for some football?!?!

Well, the Super Bowl is still over a week away, but it is that time of year and it's always an exciting weekend (though it's more exciting when the Pats are in it). Maybe someday I can get the banner out the Super Bowl, there's always interesting people there. I'll put it on the list, haha. It should be a great game though, I'm pretty pumped and pulling for the Saints - I kinda love Drew Brees, he probably would love to take a pic with the banner given the chance. I'm also
excited for the Pro Bowl, especially to see my man Big Vince tearing it up in the middle.

For the most part I side with the Pats higher ups when it comes to personnel decisions, but COME ON!! Sign the big man, long term, and be done with it. He wants to stay, you know you need him, so offer him a fair deal and move on to signing Tom to an extension. And while we're at it, let's sign Stevie G. long term as well. And anyone else who took a picture with The Banner.
I was checking out the upcoming local events on Ticketmaster for the next 3 months or so, and I gotta say, some interesting people are coming to town in March, interesting enough I may be toting Dan the Banner around in hopes to snag a pic. Keep your fingers crossed for a big month in March - the luck of the Irish will have to help!
On a side note, have you seen this video of the Canadian politician being hit in the face with a pie? I'm not on a side on this one, I have no problem with PETA or the politician, but this is hilarious. At first I thought the PETA woman was the crazy one. Then the next day the politician says this outburst should be "treated as a terrorist attack." SERIOUSLY?? I guess things must be pretty calm up North if a mini whip cream pie in the face is terrorism. Maybe I should move...

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Monday, January 11, 2010

And So It Ends...

Well, given a day to recover, the Patriots loss is still just as devastating. And so ends the 2009 season, and while of course it would have been nice to see the Pats go all the way to and thru the Super Bowl, in a way I'm relieved this season is over and in the past. Let's not kid ourselves, the team never really hit its stride, or anything close. The offense was a huge disappointment, the defense couldn't make stops when it most needed to, Red Zone offense & defense (but especially offense) was horrible, leadership was missing, and the young guys starting who had little or no experience in big situations played like - well, young guys who had little or no situation in big situations. There's no other way to put it - yesterday's playoff game was atrocious. But the 2009 season is over, dead, and buried, and I think everyone is better off for it. They've got some big things to deal with in the offseason, it's certainly going to be a busy one.
But, since I like to think of myself as an optimistic person, I'm going to find the (smallest, tiniest, teeniest snippet of) silver lining...only 10 months til Training Camp! And that is when Dan the Banner shines! I have a good feeling for 2010, Dan the Banner is going to have a fantastic run, I can tell, and I can't wait to get it started!

Til the next entry about Tom Brady's best 2D friend, adieu my friends, hope 2010 is off to a wonderful start for you all.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Off Topic Day, Once Again

Call me skeptical, biased, pessimistic, or whatever else you'd like to say, but I've grown very unapproving of the Sox front office. What ramifications does that carry? Well, none. But like any true Red Sox fan I do like to think my opinion of management matters, haha.
Is it me, or is anyone else getting sick of the constant Merry-go-round Theo & Co. has trended into? Hey, I'm all for improving your team, and I'm also all for admitting your mistakes and working around them. I know Mike Lowell has had some injury problems, but is he really THAT bad an option the Sox will practically give him away if someone would take him. He hit 17 home runs last season!! Now the Sox sign Adrian Beltre because - well, God knows why they signed him, he's arguably the biggest bust of the past 6 years. Textbook too...had one GREAT season in 2004 **cough cough** contract year **cough cough**, signed a lucrative $60-70 million dollar contract, and never came close to that one year production. Hey, the AL isn't for everyone.
So last July they trade for Adam LaRoche, he has a solid week, they trade him (just for the heck of trading him) for Casey Kotchman, who barely plays. They all but name him the first baseman in 2010, then hours after signing Beltre they are trading Kotchman?
I really just think a lot of these small time, bench player for bench player moves Theo makes are for the sake of making a move. No good, no bad, no difference to the team, just maybe he's bored. Apparently he just likes to mix things up for no reason, like that works. But hey, it's his right, right?
I'm just hoping Mike Lowell will stay in town, play his 100 games, hit 15+ homers, 70+ RBIs, and I'd be happy. DH's probably better than Ortiz will offer in 2010 anyway.

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wanted to come out and wish everyone a very happy 2010! Hopefully it will be a great year and decade as well!
I'm really going to stay optimistic for the Banner travels this year, I can feel a big year for the Banner traveling to new places and meeting new people. Still brainstorming ideas for fun activities and collections, right now I'm eying some sort of "Dan the Banner hits the 50 states" collection. It would take a long time - years, really - to complete, but I think it's something I'm going to look into, starting of course with good ol MA. It would be a really cool thing to put together.

Have a wonderful 2010, and be on the lookout for the Banner in the new year!

-The Banner Keeper

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